Wednesday, February 2, 2011


howdy? (it isn't for u, it's for the-man-who-confidently-won't-read-my-blog-till-hell-freezes-over)
yes, i write this for you.
happy birthday. (or in the short form is HB)

it's 02:36 AM- Malaysia time.
you're in UK if I'm not mistaken. specifically, urrrr.. I don't feel like mentioning the place.
Just so you know, since 2005, I haven't forgotten your birthday. and for every 03rd February, I can't close my eyes, nor doing anything to comfort me. My heart is like going to burst in any minute.



♥ Cheenta ♥ said...

my besday ingat tak???
wink wink study mana sekarang??

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